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Monday, January 11, 2010

The Day After

The day after Thanksgiving Grammie, Grampa, Aunt Courtney, David, Mommy and Daddy had a great time at the Fort Worth Zoo.

David and Daddy

Watching the monkeys with Grampa. David does a great monkey impression now!

Feeding the birds with Mommy

Grampa and Aunt Courtney

High Flyin' Fun

David and the White Tiger

Thanksgiving 2009

This year was our year to be in Fort Worth for Thanksgiving, so we all loaded up and headed to Grammie and Grampa's house. The day was off to a good start.....turkey in the oven...the fixin's were getting fixed....then the power went out! Dinner prep came to a screeching halt and the neighborhood poured outside to see what was up. Eventually we figured out that some main power station had some part that caught fire and it was blackened! We were fixing to put the turkey on the grill and then decided instead to load up dinner and take it up the street to the church where Grampa works and cook there. We weren't the only ones to come up with that plan because we saw the preacher and his family in the kitchen too! Even though it was not the traditional Thanksgiving sit down dinner it turned out to be a great day. David even had the run of the playground and boy did we make use of that after dinner. See for yourself.