Lilypie 2nd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Five Month Pictures

So we were a little late in taking (and posting) our five month pictures. David did so good sitting up for the pictures. I sat by him to "catch" in case he lost his balance on the hard floor. I only missed once (he fell backwards). Then Ryan took over and not two minutes after the first fall David decided to try a nose dive. Poor baby. No lumps, just tears (but they stopped pretty quickly). David took so many good pictures playing with fake pumpkins and apples and he just drooled the whole time. By the time we changed into our last outfit (the first two were wet) the photographer checked the other pictures and realized that something was wrong with the flash settings and the last 27 pictures she had taken turned out black. Big time sad face :( We tried to take a large amount in the last outfit, but by that time David was getting tired and those pictures didn't turn out so good. Oh well! We still managed to find a few pictures we really liked. Here are our favorites! (Personally, I love the last one.)

At Lifegroup

Kristin brought her camera to lifegroup on 10/1 and was so nice to take pictures of everybody. It was funny to watch Claire jump up and down trying to get a mid-air shot. Here's a great one of our family. Thanks Kristin!!

Baby Dedication

Sorry it has taken so long for me to post again. Between David, school, and the house my evenings are shot (really I'm just too tired to stay up the few minutes more to add pictures...sorry).

On September 28, 2008 we dedicated David to the Lord at 121 Community Church in Grapevine, TX. Dylan and Kristin Thompson graciously agreed to be Godly Influences for David and to come up on stage and pray over him during the dedication. It was a very special day because we had several people there to join in our celebration. Grammie, Grampa and Aunt Courtney were able to come and all of our Lifegroup friends were there. We were sad that not all of our family members could be there, but we know that they were there in spirit. David has so many people praying for and loving on him that he is one very blessed young man.

We were dorks and forgot to take a family picture or a group picture with Dylan and Kristin. Not really quite sure what we were thinking, but we did take this one of David and Mommy.

Afterwards, we went out to Zuroma's to continue the festivities.

It was a very special and fun day and we were glad to be able to share it with so many of our friends and family!