On Monday we went to finalize paper work at David's school and were able to stay and play for about 1 1/2 hours. David really liked looking around and did great with the teachers in his class. I thought to myself "tomorrow will be no problem".
Today (Tuesday, 8/19/08) was his first official day of school. Everything went pretty smooth getting up, feeding, etc. We sort of practiced last week when I left him with Nana and Mum, but today was the first day I was leaving him with someone other than a family member. I started to get all choked up on the 2 minute drive to the school, but then I "convinced myself" that I could do this without crying.....boy was I wrong. Ryan was able to come with us and we got David all checked in and everything put away. David had no problems when we handed him to his teacher (Mrs. Rita I think - I can't remember her name, does that make me a horrible mommy to not know who I'm leaving my kiddo with). When I said goodbye and took his picture is when I "lost it". (At least it wasn't an all out ugly cry.) As I sniffled my way out the door the director, Mr. Brad, told me to call as often as I liked if that would help. After a few minutes in the parking lot and lots of reassurance from Ryan I had myself back together enough to head to school.

Everybody at school kept asking how I was doing this morning and I only cried about half the time the topic came up. Then at 11 AM when I'm being a human easel, Debbie from the front office comes up and tells me "it's not an emergency, but David's school is on the phone". Why on earth would they be calling if there's not an emergency ?!?!?! Of course my mind goes 18,0000 different directions before I get on the phone.
Ms. Candace was calling to ask what time David was supposed to eat because I didn't put feeding times on my schedule and David had been sleeping since 8:20 AM. Since it was his first day and they were just getting to know him they wanted to check and see if this was normal for him. Just so you know, I did give them a schedule. It said "sleep -> wake -> eat -> play -> sleep -> repeat". Does that not explain it well enough! Sometimes naps are 30 minutes, sometimes they are 3 hours. I guess you could say that we have a routine, just not a "schedule" as most people define the word. So I told her that he would wake up when he was ready and to feed him then. It did make me feel better that they called just to make sure, but you would think a daycare would know the 11th commandment (Thou shalt not wake a sleeping baby).
So during my lunch break I called to make sure that he had woken up. Sure enough, at 11:15 AM he was up and looking for the food. That's my boy!
When I walked in to pick him up David was sitting in an exersaucer looking at himself in a big mirror on the wall. I called to him and he looked over, saw me, and smiled. That made my day! They gave me a paper with his nap times, feeding times, and diaper changes. Six wet diapers - this kid's penchant to tinkle is going to cost as much as the daycare itself! He must have been good because there were no notes otherwise and they didn't say anything. He was a happy baby tonight, so I'm telling myself that he liked it and not to sweat it.
Hopefully Day Two will go as smoothly as today (without so much crying on my part).